【商品説明】LY 直筆サイン入りTokyo WALLS vol.5直筆サイン入りカバーステッカー付き写真集内容:96ページ印刷数: 300部 (限定300)言語:英語寸法:17.6x25cmRelease date: 25-MAR-2023Edition: hand-numbered out of 300 (60 reserved for the artists and galleries, 60 for the production of a special edition made in collaboration with LY) Pages: 96Format: 17.6 x 25cm, paperbackExtras: dust jacket designed and signed by LY. One Tokyo WALLS sticker is included in each book.ly リー花井祐介山口真人ロッカクアヤコ中村佑介奈良美智橋爪悠也凪愛⭐︎まどんな江口寿史村上隆mr.himekawskenkagamikynebacksideworksbanksy画集写真集アート